Thursday, April 30, 2009

Growing Up

Masa berlalu dgn cepat.. tup tup da nak 4 bulan.. that's mean rafiq da nak masuk 4 bulan :) da besa ank mama, makin berat.. sampai sume nk angkat pun lenguh tangan dibuatnye, hehehe... da pandai tiarap tp kepala lom stabil lagi, hehehe.. asyik jatuh je, pastu mara.. aiii, rafiq rafiq.. da btolkan kedudukan, pusing lagi, hmmm.. xpela, da time die blaja kan.. lama2 ok la tuh.. pastu plg geram, pandai main2 dah, wat2 nangis.. air mata xde pun.. manja2 la tuh, nk org layan die jeh.. wpun penat tp happy tgk rafiq membesar :) rasa xsaba nk tggu die besa lagi, pandai macam2..

1 comment:

  1. yes..they will grow up in just a blink of time. all of a sudden u will realize that they will post u with all these challenging questions and will strat showing different kind of emotions and we as the parents especially the mum must alwiz be ready to face these, my advice is (although i'm not dat expert) is to alwiz be ready for them.. to share their feelings..and the most important thing is to alwiz be there for them..
    they r actually juz like a reflection of us..


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